Favorites Fit-Makers

By Darren Floro-Bryant


Putting a list together of my Top 10 exercises was tough.  You can ask my clients and the members of Foundation Fitness; I get excited about almost every exercise I use or implement.


So, here is a list of 10 exercises I REALLY enjoy, but they are ALWAYS for different reasons or used in different scenarios. So, it is very difficult to narrow down the reasoning on why I like these exercises. But here goes!

All of these exercises are great as “stand-alones” or great to pair with other exercises to enhance or intensify another exercise.


These first few are great because they can be done anywhere, so easy to implement while traveling.


Body Weight Exercises

Push-Ups – There are a lot of variations to target different muscle groups in the upper body.

Body Weight Squats – Again, many variations are a compound movement utilizing a lot of muscle groups mainly in the lower body.

Walking Lunges – Very functional and they have an increased element of balance.

Planks – It is a great way to build up the core; which is the foundation for every exercise.  They can be easily adapted to enhance other exercises or can be modified to accommodate an individuals fitness level.

Donkey Kicks – These can be a great building exercise, an enhancing exercise, the variations make this very adaptable AND they are a great filler exercise with visible results.


Exercises With Equipment

Alternating Dumbbell Chest Press – This exercise is a variation to the standard Dumbbell Chest Press.  These are great because they really help build up stability and control in the joints and muscle groups involved in performing a chest press.

Seated Close Grip Cable Row – This exercise is a great because it can help improve posture and can be adapted for various areas of focus.

Tri-Deltoid Combo w/Dumbbells – Front raise/Side raise/Reverse Fly (bent over) – Put altogether these three exercises are an efficient way to target each deltoid, while getting them to work in unison all at once. These can be done with very light weights with resulting in great results without overloading the shoulder joint.

DIPS – Just by changing the angle of this exercise you can quickly utilize and target different muscle groups in the upper body. I also think, that if performed correctly these can be a very functional exercise for everyday life.


One extra…


Bent Over Single Arm Reverse Fly – This works your rear deltoid, the middle to lower trapezius section, your core and build stabilization right from your head down to your feet.

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