Your Virtual Dragon Con | All For Your Streaming Pleasure

The Year of the Virtual Dragon Con

All photos Courtesy Dragon Con Photography (c) 2019 Dragon Con, Inc

To create a virtual universe that aligns as closely as possible to the awesomeness of the in-person event, the folks at Dragon Con have created three unique streaming channels that will run throughout the weekend – plus a slew of online events taking place on various social media platforms.

The first channel will be the DCTVLand/Classics feed, which will feature all sorts of content from years past. Did you miss the John Barrowman panel with his gorgeous TARDIS dress on display? Sad to have not yet seen the first show William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy shared the stage at Dragon Con? All of those and many more are available for your streaming eyes only.

The second channel will feature the amazing track programming, which sets Dragon Con apart from all of the other conventions out there. More than 35+ tracks are busy generating new content for everyone to enjoy 24 hours a day. If fan tracks are totally your thing, many of them are hosting a whole plethora of other content on their social media pages too.

The third and final channel, what is considered the Main Channel, will highlight new guest programming, performances from quintessential Dragon Con performers, and two of the biggest and best costume contests they host each year among may other exciting programming items including our annual parade.

DragonCon will be streaming live primarily on the existing streaming site at 

All three channels will be live on that site all weekend long, but because they’re streaming live for free, you’ll also be able to watch on a few other platforms:

  • Through the Vimeo iOS or Android App. Subscribe to The app also supports casting to devices through Chromecast and Apple AirPlay.
  • Select content like the Parade will also be streamed to the Dragon Con YouTube channel at
  • They’re also working on publishing a Roku channel, so you’ll be able to watch on your big screen.

After content airs live, it will be available on-demand at This will require a membership, but the membership price has been lowered to $10 for everyone, so you can watch as much Dragon Con content as you want for another year after the live streams end.

Find out more information at! 

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