We met at an Atlanta bear bar

He never had a boyfriend until he moved to Atlanta, and lo and behold, there he was.

By Branden Lee

I’VE BEEN TOLD MANY TIMES, “You’ll find a boyfriend once you stop looking.” I came out at 15 and have been looking ever since. I’m 26 and still never had a boyfriend. I’ve had plenty of other people’s boyfriends, but never one of my own.

Everyone is shocked when I tell them that I’ve never had a boyfriend. I actually enjoy revealing this personal fact about myself just to see how others react. I do get asked a lot about why I think I’ve never had a boyfriend. I guess I’d have to say it’s because the guys I always end up falling for are the bi-curious/ DL/ closeted/ confused guys that don’t know what they want. Though a few of them have started figuring out what they want, and are finally ready for relationships, with someone else. I’m always the mistress, and never the wife.

I just moved to Atlanta. I’m excited to meet new guys, date around, explore the city, and possibly be a THOT. So of course my first week here, I find a boyfriend. Well at least a guy I want to be my boyfriend.

WE MET AT THE EAGLE ON A Saturday night. I saw online they were having a beach party theme. I show up in a tank top and swim trunks, and literally no one else there was dressed in a beach theme. It was embarrassing, but I should’ve known that bears never dress up for a theme party.

I was there alone, since I don’t have any solid friends in Atlanta yet. I’ve always enjoyed going out by myself. I love to approach and meet new people. I hate how everyone goes out in cliques and sticks to their clique all night. You’re not approachable when you’re surrounded by a posse. If you want to meet new guys, you have to branch out, and be vulnerable.

At the Eagle, I saw this guy that also was alone. He looked exactly my type. Tall, beefy linemen build, and had some scruff. I decided to approach him since nobody wants to be lonely at the club, and I wasn’t having any fun. I was already in a flaccid mood since I showed up dressed for a beach party, and no one else did.

Also despite mainly being attracted to bears, I never have fun at bear bars. I’m not a bear, so I feel out of place. Most young guys at bear bars are there with their boyfriends, and the club is mostly older guys, and I prefer guys closer to my age.

Luckily I found a cute, young, bear while there, and we instantly hit it off. He’s 26 and an EMT. He’s a Georgia native, and he decided to show me the city. We quickly ditched the Eagle, well after he bought me a couple drinks, and ventured off to Heretic and BJs.

I SPENT SIX OF THE NEXT SEVEN nights with the EMT. He introduced me to so much of Atlanta. We went clubbing each night and ended up at Burkharts, Mixx, Felix’s, Blake’s, Ten, Bulldogs, Heretic, BJs, and back at The Eagle. He introduced me to Waffle House and Cookout for our end-of-the-night drunk food runs.

I wasn’t expecting to fall for a guy so fast. A week after meeting, we were on our third club of the night, and our third or fourth drink at Burkharts, and he mentions “being my man.” Although we’d known each other for only a week, I really like EMT. He’s been kind, sweet, treats me well, actually likes spending time with me, and I’ve never had a relationship like this before. Most of my “relationships” were with fuckboys that I’d hookup with but only see every few months.

I finally found a guy that is everything I’d want in a boyfriend, and of course it happened when I least expected. I’ve told my friends about EMT, and they think it’s too fast. I’ve been with a lot of guys over the years. I’ve been on tons of dates and had many hookups, and no one has ever been worthy of being my boyfriend like EMT.

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