By Mike Bahr
Photos courtesy of
Typically, adult models work behind-the-scenes after their modeling days are over. Not Viggo Sorensen. The semi-professional breakdancer was moonlighting as a cameraman for Bel Ami for a full year before deciding to make the move to in front of the camera. “It wasn’t something I had even considered doing,” he admits, “but I’ve always liked being different, pushing myself to live an interesting life that is unlike anything my friends or anyone else I know is doing.”
The ambitious man has lots of things he wants to see and experiences he wants to do while he’s still young and strapping, including fashion modeling. This month, Viggo Sorensen can check one more item off his bucket list.
He is the new face and body for Addicted Swimwear’s Secret collection. We spoke with the Bel Ami star- turned swimwear model from his home in the Czech Republic.

The new campaign is called “Secret”. What is your deepest, darkest secret?
I’m extremely shy! Seriously! I’m always afraid to approach a guy I would like to date. Also, I’m stupid with trusting the wrong people.
Tell us about your childhood.
I grew up in a small city in the Czech Republic, where I still live, actually. I was a very happy kid with my two brothers. We played with our Pokemon cards, bay blades, and my all-time favorite thing to do was ride my motorcycle with my Grandpa. We lived in a small apartment until I was five, which was hard on my mom because I was a handful, always full of energy. She would go crazy, spending the whole day with me! To get some relief, she enrolled me in sports at a young age. She would send me to train ten times a week in order to calm me down! I would come home and fall right to sleep, which made her happy.
Were you trained as a gymnast?
My mom always wanted me to do gymnastics, but no, I never pursued formal training.
Who was your first boy crush?
Honestly, growing up, I was oblivious to things like that.
I started my sexual life pretty late.
Are you dating now?
Has being a porn star impacted your dating life?
I would say so. I haven’t dated since I started appearing in film.
Maybe you’re too picky. What do you look for in a guy?
Personality, the ability to make others smile, dedication, and a nice-looking body.
Are you enjoying your new fame?
The best part of adult film is the traveling, trying new things, meeting new, interesting people and yes, the money.
What’s the worst part?
The worst part is when the chemistry between the guys is simply not working. Then, everything takes so long, and it can get very tiring.
You’re known for your flexibility. What are favorite positions?
An upside-down handstand. I have also done a video where I jerk off while doing a split. That was fun!

Who is your best buddy in the biz?
I feel the closest with Sven Basquiat. We share similar interests.
What kind of hijinks have you two gotten into?
We partied every night at the Maldives Flirt4Free summit. At one point, we were wrestling, and he ripped my earring out! I haven’t worn earrings since.
Do you have any tattoos?
None and I probably won’t ever get any.
What superstitions do you believe in?
What goes around comes around. I’m a definite believer in karma.
Beyonce, Billie (Eilish), Barbra (Streisand)… who is the real queen B?
Honestly, I only know Beyonce. The other two could be Spanish villages, as far as I know.
Who is the unlikeliest person that you follow on Instagram?
Donald Trump is the first name that comes to mind.
What would a film of your life be called, and who would star as you in it?
The Storymaker because I don’t wait for things to happen in my life.
I’m the designer of my destiny. Matthew McConaughey would play me.

What makes you smile?
Good food, beautiful nature views, the night sky, and funny people.
What makes you angry?
Stupidity and insincerity.
Who are your heroes?
I don’t have any specific heroes in my life. I look up to people who work hard to achieve their goals and lead interesting, happy lives. If I were to choose from men in the adult industry that I admire, they would be Paul Cassidy, Sven Basquiat, and Alam Wernik.
You find a magic genie bottle. What are your three wishes?
Find love for life, travel the world, and play sports until I’m all gray.
Which celebrity would you most like to slide into your DMs, and why?
Honestly, I would like any and every celebrity to slide into my DM because I like to get to know interesting people and hear their stories.
You’re about to be hit by a truck (sorry). What flashes before your eyes?
All things I wanted to do and never took a chance on.
What does your gravestone read?
He lived hard and loved every second of it.
View Viggo Sorensen’s first swimwear modeling shoot at