Disclaimer: All advertisers are subject to these terms and conditions as part of the normal process of advertising. You are agreeing to the terms and conditions by acknowledgment either by executing a single or multi-insertion order, by email agreeing to advertise or by payment of an invoice.
1. REQUIRED PREPAYMENT – Until your account has been established (credit), we require prepayment of your ads. Prepaying your first two ads usually allows the amount of time needed to check credit references and establish a credit limit for your account.
2. AD PLACEMENT – Placement of ads is random within the Publication. Special placement based upon availability can be obtained for an upcharge of 25% for ads equal to or larger than 1/2 page in size. Placement is not guaranteed. If the placement has been scheduled and billed/paid, but cannot be accommodated, the placement charge will be credited toward a future ad.
3. SPACE RESERVATION – Your ad space is reserved in advance in each Publication. If an ad is not to run in a future issue, you must notify the Publisher in writing by email or fax before the deadline date. If you cancel after the deadline date for any issue, you will be billed the full price of the insertion.
4. AD COPY SUBMISSION – You must submit your ad copy to our production department along with a copy to your sales representative by the deadline date. No more than four production proofs per issue can occur without a $100 upcharge per proof in excess of four. If you cannot meet the deadline date, you must let your sales representative know in writing. We will make every effort to place ad copy submitted after the deadline date, but we cannot hold up our print deadline. If you have reserved a space and do not have current ad copy by the deadline date, we will use a pickup ad. You will be responsible for the full insertion charge. To avoid this fee, we suggest that you keep a generic ad on file with us for pick up ads.
5. AD COPY APPROVAL – We have the right to approve all copy before publishing. We reserve the absolute right to reject any ad for any reason as the Publisher of our Publication, even if it was accepted for publication. If your ad is rejected and does not run in a particular edition, your account will be credited accordingly. The ad will continue during the next publication after you have submitted a compliant ad after rejection.
6. FREQUENCY DISCOUNT – Frequency Discounts are valid as long as payment is received within 15 days from the initial billing as shown on your Invoice. Full Ad prices without any discounts will be charged to your account if payment is not received within 15 days. *See Early Termination, Sect. 10 below.
7. DISPUTES AND ALLOWANCES – You are responsible for promptly reviewing your ad upon publication and reporting any errors. You must notify us immediately of any errors in the published ad, in writing within 7 days from the publication date. All errors will be reviewed on a case by case basis to determine the cause and factors of the errors. If it is determined that a credit should issue, a credit will be placed on your account to use on an additional ad in the future. There are no cash refunds. We are not responsible for any damages or injuries based on your approved ad and will not be responsible for more than one incorrect ad published.
8. ADVERTISING CONTENT RESPONSIBILITY AND CLAIMS – You assume full responsibility and liability for all contents of your ad. You assume full responsibility for any claim from the publication of your ad that is made against the Publisher. You guarantee that you have all necessary consents for publication from any and all persons appearing in your ad. You agree that you are responsible for any and all claims, including legal fees and costs, which Publisher has relating to the omission or publication of your ad.
9. LIMITATION OF DAMAGES – The Publisher will not be responsible for damages from publishing an incorrect ad or failing to run an ad in an amount greater than the cost of the publication of one ad. You agree to hold the Publication harmless from any third party injuries caused by running your ad.
10. EARLY TERMINATION FEE / CANCELLATION – You can cancel future insertions at any time by giving 45 days written notice to us and paying an Early Termination Fee. The Early Termination Fee is the sum of (a) 1 week’s Full Ad Insertion Price (regularly full single insertion of current ad); plus (b) the difference in the Full Ad Insertion Price less the amount you paid under the contract at the Frequency Discount Rate during the course of the weeks run through the 45 days from proper termination notice. The reason for the Early Termination Fee is to compensate the Publisher at the price you would have been charged if the contract were based on weekly insertions instead of the long-term reduced rate in your contract.
11. LATE PAYMENT – Payment is due upon receipt and is considered past due if not paid within 15 days of Invoice Date. Past due accounts will be assessed an interest charge of 18% per annum (1.5% per month). More than 60 days past due will result in revocation of any discount off rate card for remaining term. More than 90 past due may result in full single issue rate card price (any difference in discount provided) to be assessed and cancellation. (See #10).
12. DISHONORED CHECKS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS – A fee of $45.00 will be charged to your account if any payment (check, credit card, chargeback, debit, etc.) is returned by your bank or institution for any reason. Revocation of credit and certified funds will be required.
13. RIGHT TO PURSUE COLLECTION – You are responsible for payment of all charges on your accounts In Full and On Time. If collections or litigation are required to satisfy your account, you are responsible for all costs of collection including but not limited to Attorneys Fees, Court Costs, Expenses, and Interest. Any payment method provided shall be charged or
14. AGREEMENT ENTIRETY – This Contract is the entire agreement between you and the Publisher. Any oral understandings, discussions, or other writings are hereby merged and extinguished. This Contract may not be modified orally. Any dispute between the parties or relating to this Contract will be decided under the Laws of the State of Georgia. The parties hereby agree and consent to any Court actions being filed exclusively in the Fulton County, Georgia courts. By signature below, you agree to be bound by all the above Terms of Contract. You agree that you have actual and apparent authority to enter this agreement on behalf of you or your company.