Home Community Peach Reco | Something to Dye For

Peach Reco | Something to Dye For

Join AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Arts) and HOMO for a workshop and get your gloved hands wet with the dyeing process.

Learn the essentials to inspire your next creative project, and walk away with your very own T-shirt just in time for Atlanta Pride! Nicholas Komor, founder and creative force behind Atlanta-based brand Homo, is designing and working in this medium to appeal to homos interested in reclaiming the word. Secret: everyone is homo (sapien).

Please note this is a hands-on workshop. Gloves and aprons will be provided, but please wear stain appropriate clothes and shoes, and leave your valuables behind.

Tickets (starting at $20) can be purchased at atlanta.aiga.org.


About HOMO

Based in Atlanta, Georgia, HOMO is led by Nicholas Komor and has a twofold mission: to reclaim and reframe the word “homo” and change the way we perceive each other. Learn more at everyoneishomo.com.

About AIGA Atlanta

AIGA advances design as a professional craft, strategic advantage, and vital cultural force. As the largest community of design advocates, we bring together practitioners, enthusiasts, and patrons to amplify the voice of design and create the vision for a collective future. The Atlanta chapter of AIGA was founded in 1988. More at atlanta.aiga.org.


The What, When, and Where

What: Something to Dye For – T-Shirt Dyeing With HOMO
When: Wed, October 10, 2018, 6:30 – 8:30 PM
Miami Ad School @ Portfolio Center
125 Bennett Street Northwest
Atlanta, GA 30309



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