The Stages of a Breakup

By Branden Lee


It seems like everyone has been breaking up lately, and although it can feel like the end of the world, it isn’t. Breakups hurt. Loss feels real. We mourn. We also come out of it on the other side. We all go through these stages, but never lose hope that you’ll find the strength to love again.


  1. Devastation

The damage occurs. The breakup happens. Your love is gone. You’re left wondering why. How could this have happened? How could we go from so in love and planning a future, to enemies or feeling like strangers?


  1. Grief

It takes time for the feeling of loss to really set in. Your partner is gone. No one to share a bed with. No one to go on dates with. Every part of your house is full of memories of them. Loneliness is seeping in. The desire to text your ex, and try to get back together is strong and a struggle to resist. Grief is the most dangerous stage of a breakup because it’s the easiest place to get sucked back into a relationship that deep down, you may know, you’re better without.


  1. Contentment

The healing process begins. You start to feel normal again without your ex. You get back into old hobbies and interests you were once neglecting. Reconnecting with friends, you may not have had much time for while coupled up. Content is where you start to find yourself again and feel normal without your old love.


  1. Slut Phase

It happens. You will crave human contact, affection, desire, sex. Slut phases occur. It’s time to put yourself back out there and go on as many dates and have as many hookups as possible. It’s natural to want to feel desired and wanted.


  1. Crush

When you finally have a new crush, is when you start to truly know you’ll love again. When a new crush gets you excited, fills you with hope, and possibilities of new love, you are almost fully over your ex. Imagining the possibilities with someone else and knowing your ex isn’t the only one for you is a powerful feeling.

Branden Lee is a writer and actor living in Atlanta. Follow Branden on Instagram and Twitter @Brandeness. Watch Branden on his YouTube channel SexxxPerTease.

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