Do These 5 Things to Get Back On Track

By Jamie Kirk



Summer is in full swing. Everyone is typically in a good mood, and we are all looking and feeling awesome. But some are feeling the pressure of the middle of the year and looking at their vision board or their goals for 2019 – and they are stressing out. There is no need to feel pressure or anxiety of “not being where you need to be,” or “I am really off track of where I thought I would be.” No need to fear, I am going to list out the top five things that can assist you with getting back on track and/ avoiding the pitfall of thinking you are worse off than you actually are.


  1. Relax Your Goal Weight

The issue could be that you overshot what you are capable of, in the first place. Maybe the goal was to be 18 pounds lighter when you have not weighed this “goal weight’ since 2007.  Re-examine the goal and make sure it was Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. Weight goals are always tricky because we tend to get excited or depressed very quickly based on the three-digit number we see pop up on the scale. To get back on track, you could take the average weight you have been over the last six months and shoot for that and just be consistent at this “re-engineered goal weight.” Maybe you take the pressure off of hitting the number and shoot for being healthy, eating healthy with more of an intention, and having daily moderate portions.


  1. Rethink Relationships

When you feel you want to be in a relationship, it doesn’t always have to be romantic. The relationship could be getting along with your neighbors better, or having a kid that listens to your feedback and opinions. To be in a relationship, I think the best course of action is to decide a) what type of relationship you are seeking to improve and b) which part of the relationship is not working for you. Once you answer these two questions, you can drill down into the relationship that you seek to improve.


  1. Action Plan “Get a Job”

If you wanted a new job this summer and it hasn’t happened yet, ask yourself what you have done? Have you updated your resume? Have you joined any networking groups? Have you met with your manager? Saying you want a new job without an action plan will leave you just continually complaining that you “need to get a new job.” Lay out the plan of attack, let anyone that will listen know that you are searching. Make a list of what is missing in your current role and make sure you don’t apply for jobs that don’t fit this list.  Be deliberate to avoid the same situation you find yourself in currently. If you don’t want to commute to Cumming, don’t apply for a job in Cumming. If you want more pay, don’t apply for a job that has a lower starting salary.


  1. Make a Move to Move

Who doesn’t want to move at some point? Take a minute and think about how much is controllable regarding a move. If you are locked into a lease, you may have to wait until later. If the landlord is a slumlord and you have not taken them to court, do that. Or at least voice your concerns. Wanting to move is just not enough. Make sure you are not running “to” something, just to get “away” from someone or something. You should be improving your situation, not settling for more of the same. Whatever you are leaving may end up coming with you.


  1. Less Drama, More Peace

This is the easiest one to get right back on track; stop making decisions that don’t bring you peace! Avoid people that constantly bring drama. Remove yourself from toxic relationships. Don’t entertain people, places, or things that you don’t want to. You have the right to exercise the powerful word NO. No, I don’t want to go. No, I don’t want to go on vacation to Alaska. No, I don’t want to go to Grandma’s house to hear her bash my lifestyle or talk bad about my partner. No more. If it doesn’t bring you peace, then you will not have peace.


Once you outline the goals you had set at the beginning of the year, really be honest with yourself about how honest you are with yourself about said goals and desires. You are halfway there, so take it easy, re-adjust, rethink, re-calibrate, and re-focus – and worst case, remove a goal if it is only causing you stress.  I am all for setting goals, but I am not a fan if that means you are unhappy, bitter, and mad because you didn’t set the right foundation to hit the mark. Decide what you want to do and move on.


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