The Horror of 2020

By Mikkel Hyldebrandt

To say that 2020 has been a scary year is an understatement. Grueling, horrific, gut-wrenching come to mind instead. Not even the goriest or most mind-chilling horror movie could have predicted what mind-blowing plot 2020 had in store for us – and we have all felt it in one way or another. A quick online survey came up with an abundance of the many lived-through experiences that 2020 challenged us with. So, with the wishes of a better tomorrow, here are some of the most frightening things we experienced in 2020.

“Just how fragile our economy truly is and how quickly things can go south”
– Matthew T.

“Being restricted from being able to be physically close to people – from everyday touch to the inability to travel internationally to see family”
– Eric M.

“Losing my entire career and wondering what’s next”
– Keiran N.

“Covid and it’s over 200k body count. This is one scary movie that I don’t need a sequel for!”
– Patrick L.

“The scariest thing this year is finding out how uncompassionate people are”
– Paul H.

“The scariest thing this year has been dealing with a worldwide pandemic, racial inequality, the collapse of our country, an entire government party that would rather kill us than help us, murder hornets, hurricanes, what else am I forgetting? What’s next, 2020?!”
– Ty F.

“The prospect of Trump winning re-election… say bye-bye to women’s rights, gay marriage, health care, preexisting conditions, a more equitable legal system for citizens of color, climate change legislation and all the rest of the social gain we’ve achieved”
– Frank S

“Coming to the realization that these days many Americans just don’t care about others”
– Rick L.

“Terrified of getting my Dad exposed with Covid-19. Being super cautious about what I do or who I see to be sure to not get him sick”
– Allie S.

“Losing my job, searching for one, still not getting ANY unemployment assistance, and the callousness throughout it all”
– Frank C.

“I think we might just find out 4 days after (Halloween)”
Joey D.

“Staring up the barrel of a rapidly developing fascist dictatorship with no idea how to stop it or get out of the way”
Lauren A.

“Trump. It’s terrifying that we have someone who is clearly mentally ill running the most powerful country on the planet. Someone who clearly doesn’t care about us and who clearly wants us to fight with each other”
Peter P.

“RBG passing and The Supreme Court Justice seat being replaced by a conservative. RBG has been the deciding vote for monumental changes with civil rights and equal rights. And now there is a conservative nominee that may repeal ACA, Roe, Gay marriage, Religious freedoms, and other judgments made to advance civil and equal rights”
– Keith D.

“The prospect of losing everything we’ve built”
– David R.

“The pending doom and collapse of civility and our republic”
– Mike A.

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