Peach ATL Magazine is proud to announce their recent certification as an LGBT Business Enterprise (LGBTBE®) through the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) Supplier Diversity Initiative. The NGLCC is the business voice of the LGBT community and serves as the nation’s exclusive certifying body for LGBT-owned and operated businesses.

“We are pleased to welcome Peach ATL Magazine to the ever-expanding network of NGLCC certi ed LGBT
Business Enterprises and the hundreds of corporations and government agencies eager to put them to
work,” said NGLCC Co-Founder and President Justin Nelson and Co-Founder and CEO Chance Mitchell.
“According to NGLCC’s groundbreaking America’s LGBT Economy report, America’s estimated 1.4 million
LGBT business owners, many of them NGLCC certi ed, add over $1.7 trillion to the GDP and create tens
of thousands of new jobs. We are proud to count Peach ATL Magazine among those who proved every day
that LGBT businesses are the future of the American economy.”
Peach ATL Magazine is now eligible to participate in the NGLCC’s corporate partners’ supplier diversity
programs, can take advantage of the vast educational opportunities promoted by the NGLCC, and can
work to foster business to business relationships with other LGBTBEs worldwide throughout the year and
especially at the NGLCC International Business & Leadership Conference.
The National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) is the business voice of the LGBT community and the exclusive certifying body for LGBT-owned businesses. With more than 200 corporate partners, and 62 local, state, and international affiliate chambers, NGLCC is the largest LGBT business development and economic advocacy organization in the world.
NGLCC Media Contact:
About PeachATL Media, LLC
In print and online, Peach ATL is the LGBTQ community’s ultimate guide to Atlanta’s nightlife, culture, and entertainment experiences. Through a diverse mix of content consisting of pop culture, local interests, and event coverage, Peach ATL has been the premier weekly gay publication for the metro Atlanta market for more than two decades.
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