By Mikkel Hyldebrandt

With a new executive board and the addition of seven new board members, the For The Kid In All Of Us board of directors is ready to take on a new year of fundraising. The goal, to help children in need with toys and school supplies, remains the same, but ambitions for this year are different with a revitalized and highly motivated board. Peach caught up with Board President, Stacy Brown, to talk about what to expect from FTK in 2022.
First, tell us a little about how you got involved with For The Kid?
My partner, Kent Finley, served as Treasurer for FTK for many years, and he now serves as an advisory member of the board. We both attended Toy Party together for the first time over ten years ago and fell in love with the board’s mission of helping others during the holiday season. Ever since we have volunteered and helped in any way that we can to brighten the lives of others in our community and beyond.
Coming out of the worst of the pandemic last year helped the organization return to in-person fundraising at the Toy Party. Can you tell us a little bit about what FTK did last year to raise money?
The past two years for FTK have been incredible. Not only because of our donors and patrons but the commitment our board gave to make FTK more successful than ever! Returning in 2021 to Biltmore Ballrooms for an in-person celebration was incredible! Our Silent Auction and our board members raising funds online via Facebook was outstanding.
You just welcomed new members to the all-volunteer board. Can you tell us a little bit about who they are and what they will do for FTK?
We filled seven open board seats this year with marketing, event planning, and fundraising backgrounds. Our board members are excited and ready to make 2022 the most successful year ever for FTK.
What’s the next major event by For the Kid?
Backpack in the Park is July 23, 2022, at Magnolia Hall in Piedmont Park. However, stay tuned for other events throughout the season with local businesses in the community. And look for us in the PRIDE Parade in October!
What other kinds of fundraising has the organization ventured into?
Of course, Facebook fundraising was a success and our silent auction, but I have to recognize our board member Devin Barnard for partnering with Ruby Redd at Midtown Moon to make last year a huge success.Â
We want to continue that relationship for as long as possible. We have learned that we can also host smaller ‘satellite’ events that not only raise money for our cause but connect us even closer to the community.
You have a very engaged board of directors this year. What are some of your major goals for this year?
Our main goal is to continue to build relationships within the community. Our board wants to expand our volunteering among our beneficiary and volunteer groups, who give a lot of time to us at our events. Our goal is to thank them by offering our services at their events to help make them successful.
Anything else you’d like to add?
Check us out at Volunteer. Donate. Help brighten someone’s day! Thank you to the community and our supporters, and thank you to the current and past board members for all you do to keep FTK going strong.