Written by Miko “Meak” Evans for Meak Productions, Inc. & History of Black Gay Atlanta
The City of Atlanta prepares once again to welcome numerous attendees to the 26th Annual Atlanta Black Gay Pride Celebration, the world’s 2nd largest black pride event celebrating activism, inclusion and excellence in the city’s LGBTQ movement. The host organization, Atlanta Black Pride, Inc. along with veteran event producers, non-profits, and nightlife promoters, will bring another round of Empowering seminars and Entertainment experiences in various locations across Metro Atlanta.
Atlanta Black Pride, Inc. (ABP), the official host company birthed out of the founding organization, In The Life Atlanta (est. 1996), will present the best in Workshops, Seminars & Community Events such as their signatures, SpeakFire, Annual Fashion Show, Film Festival, Literary Café and the Annual LGBT Greek Weekend (in partnership with Real Bois Talk). Events will climax at Central Park in Midtown Atlanta (located on the corner of North Avenue and Central Park Place Dr.) They kicked off the week with their annual Multi-Faith Celebration Service on Tuesday, August 30th at the Spiritual Living Center of Atlanta (an event to honor legends in Atlanta’s black gay culture who have passed on).
The NEWEST Addition to ABP’s itinerary is the premiere of the 1st LGBT Food & Wine Festival, an official signature event of Ebanman Media & Monarch International. This event shines an international spotlight on the diversity of Black LGBTQ (influence or community) in food, wine, and the spirits industry. It will showcase a variety of local and global LGBTQ chefs, sommeliers, mixologists, (foodies and industry insiders.) (visit the websites for additional details: www.atlantablackpride.org & www.lgbtfw.com)
Traxx Girls & Rockstars Production will once again host their Labor Day Weekend events at various venues in Atlanta and their New Host Hotel Location, The Sterliing by Hilton (formally Hotel Midtown & The W), located 188 14th Street NE.
Traxx Girls featuring DJ/Reality TV Star and Entrepreneur, Melissa Scott, is the #1 Pride Event for Lesbian/Bi Women under the legendary brand, PURE HEAT. Pure Heat features various parties with Celebrity Stars and their Annual Black Pride Booze Cruise at Lake Lanier on Labor Day.
Rockstars Annual LABOR DAY ROCK handles all events for Gay/Bi Men. Their Signature UPGRADED Events (which will happen on Thursday & Saturday) will feature celebrity guests such as LATTO, along with their NEW Influencers Dinner, paying tribute to Icons in the Black Queer Community. (visit the website for details: www.atlantablackprideldr.com)
In partnership with The Vision Church & Community Foundation, the Special Highlight of their weekend climaxes with the 10th Anniversary Celebration of the Annual Pure Heat Community Festival at Piedmont Park on Sunday, September 4th from Noon – 8 PM featuring various celebrity guests and performers. See the feature article later in this issue.
A New Cultural event entitled “Artists In The Afternoon”- Prose, Poetry & More, presented by RETHINK The Narrative Media Company & The Esteem Awards, will take place on Saturday Afternoon, September 3rd at 1 PM at the Atlanta Public Library on Metropolitan Avenue (located 1332 Metropolitan Parkway, Atlanta 30315). This event will highlight written and spoken word, music, art, and more. With hors d’oeuvres, lively conversation, door prizes, and vendors, it is sure to be an afternoon well spent!
This event is free – open to the public, and will feature Dr. Derrick Tennial (Founder of RETHINK), Tim’m T. West (Queer Hip-Hop Legend-Poet-Author), Trans activist Dr. Elijah Nichols, Atlanta’s own renowned author Hartsel Clifton Shirley, Ken J. Martin (Indie Queer Soul Icon & Author), Dr. Jesse Sanders from Columbus, Ohio (Meak Productions’ 1st Gentleman of Inspiration), and a host of special guest speakers and performers
JT Events, the stewards of the historic SkateBoyzATL brand, and the official promoter for Inaugural 2021 Hall of Famers, the legendary Marquette Lounge, will host their Annual Black Pride Block Party at the club during all Labor Day Weekend, as well as a NEW Pool Party on the official holiday on Monday, September 5th in Lilburn, Georgia.
Blue Diamond Entertainment’s Annual PRIDE25+ (Annual Black Pride for Mature Women) will once again present their Annual & Renowned All-White Party LIVE at the new HIDDEN GEM (located 2011 Bolton Road in Northwest Atlanta). As always, Blue Diamond will be partnering with other Female promoters for a variety of Day & Nightlife Parties for the weekend, some of which will be a part of the Pure Heat lineup.
The Legendary RT Parties ATL in partnership with Mixx Atlanta Restaurant & Lounge, home of Destination Fridays and Parties for the Grown & Sexy on Sundays for Men over 30 will once again hold their festivities at their host location and at various venues throughout the city. Known as the Co-Founder of the Annual Black Pride Block Party in partnership with FAB 5 ATL, RT Parties will be officially inducted into the History of Black Gay Atlanta Hall of Fame & Justice for his 20+ years of nightlife and events. (www.atlantablackpride.com)
Wassup N’ ATL’s Annual Manual Labor (Trailblazers of the Best in Exotic Entertainment since 2002), will be in full effect with Special Guest: BONE THE MACK & FRIENDS along with other Guest Exotic Dancers and Performers sponsored by Guaranteed Entertainment. The Sonesta Atlanta Airport North is the Official Host Hotel for Wassup N’ ATL. (www.wassupnatl.com)
Fab5ATL’s Annual COLORS Weekend, the home of the weekly IN DA CUT (Strippers Show), Men of the Night, and other signatures will return with a variety of events for attendees featuring celebrity special guests, in partnership with Sean Karta Promotions and others. For the 1st Time in COLORS Weekend history, they will present their first Circuit Party for Men of Color entitled, PLAY – LIVE at Future Lounge (Located in the lower level of Underground Atlanta – Downtown) For More info, follow them on Social Media @Fab5Atl @romichaelworld1 @seankarta
The CARTEL, Atlanta’s newest promoters, will return with their signature events on Labor Day Weekend featuring The Cast of the popular reality show, BAD BOYS ATLANTA with Exec. Producer/Celebrity, Milan Christopher. Their main event will take place Saturday, September 3rd, LIVE at the Cosmopolitan (4525 Glenwood Road in Decatur, GA).
Other cultural events and nightlife not listed in this article are found on our magazine website (link below).
While the COVID-19 pandemic is still a major health concern, along with Monkeypox, we applaud the resilience of pride organizers across the world as they still push forward. We ask that EVERYONE continue to be safe, mask up where possible, drink & play responsibly and protect yourself during Labor Day Weekend.
For more information and updates about the Atlanta Black Pride 26th Annual Itinerary during Labor Day weekend, please visit the the magazine’s main site at: www.PeachATL.com
Happy Black Pride from all of us at Meak Pro & Peach ATL!