Ask for What You Want

By Jamie Kirk


It is really important to ask for you want. If you don’t want it, don’t ask for it. We have to remember that most things we focus on and give our attention to will manifest into the reality of our lives.


Looking at what is going on and remembering to change the course at a moment’s notice, is up to us. We have the power of positive thinking.  The power of positive energy. The power of control. It all belongs to us.


We tend to lose sight that when things go “bump in the night,” it is sometimes our own fault. It can be attributed to our thought processes and the way we are approaching the outcome. We tend to think negatively but hope for the best. Looking at the reality and hoping for a great outcome yet prepare ourselves for the worst-case scenario, which seldom ever happens. We tend to be ready to fight the negative forces with all our energy.


But what if we took that energy and made it for good. To reference Halloween: What if we took our wicked ways and made them work FOR us, instead of against us. We have to be mindful of the outcome we want.


Let’s dig a little deeper. If your first thought today was, “I don’t want to go to work or school,” then you understand the concept of being out of alignment. Even though you say, “I don’t like my job,” you will do everything possible to get to work and do your job because that job fills a need or purpose in your life.


Unfortunately, the amount of energy it takes to force yourself to do what your mind and body resists takes you out of alignment. Alignment is the proper adjustment of the components involved for coordinated functioning. This means bringing your mind and body into an agreement in order to support the purpose being served.


So, instead of complaining about what you don’t what to do, while you are doing it, invest that energy in the thoughts and emotions that will keep you in alignment with “living your best life.”  Be compassionate. Go for the joy. Be loving toward yourself, and others. These are just a few of the critical ingredients of alignment.


Shifting our approach will change the outcome. There is no need to announce to the world “I am feeling very aligned today.” Just do it and watch how folks change around you. You can’t make a change for the better and people around you stay negative. The shift in how you ask for what you want will touch everything and everyone you come in contact with.


Your friends and family will not be able to put their finger on it. Your co-workers will not understand why you are coming in early and leaving later. Your significant other will not understand why you want to have more sex and are generally in a better mood.


All I know is that you will be drawing nearer to what you want. You will be able to quickly remove yourself (not at first, but eventually) from people, places and things that get in the way of your peace path.

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