New Gay In Town: On To The Next One

By Branden Lee


Things were finally feeling great between Zimbabwe and me again. We were getting along; we were affectionate, and our communication was better. Although I was miserable during it, our week apart trying out an open relationship had somehow worked for us. That is after deciding that we’d rather be monogamous.


After everything Zimbabwe and I had overcome such as fighting, cheating, threesomes, breakups, makeups, and our brief open relationship, it was hard to believe we’d only known each other for one month. It had certainly been an intense month, but no matter what obstacle had occurred Zimbabwe and I overcame it.


But our blissful reconciliation only lasted three days. Things were going fine. We hooked up, slept together, cooked together, deleted our apps, would tell each other if an ex communicated with us, and we were working on fixing issues that occurred in the past.


Then I received a text from a guy that was a TV producer, that I’d made out with at the bar before. I hadn’t heard from him in a while, and I wasn’t that interested in him romantically. But if you want to work in TV, it’s all about who you know, and I moved to Atlanta to work in television. I know Zimbabwe wouldn’t want me to respond to the guy’s message since it violated our rule of not communicating with exes. I knew I shouldn’t have responded, but I also needed to think about my career.


Well, Zimbabwe saw the text from the TV producer.  Zimbabwe asked me about the guy and then flipped out. He yelled, screamed, stormed out. Then blocked me everywhere. This isn’t the first breakup we’d had like this. I was devastated, and knew I made a mistake. But I’m not one to dwell too long on heartbreak. It was time to rebound.


My first rebound guy was nice. He was a Capricorn just like Zimbabwe, which kinda bothered me. You don’t want to rebound with guys just like your ex. But rebound #1 was sweet. We just cuddled and chatted. I wasn’t ready to jump into hooking up with a random, and although this guy was sweet, I didn’t feel any sexual attraction, because I was still hung up on Zimbabwe.


Rebound #2 was a guy I had chatted with here and there online. I learned he lived in my apartment complex. I was craving company, so I invited him over, and we played board games. I was more attracted to him in person than I thought I’d be based on his pics. We did hook up, and I enjoyed it. He definitely wanted to do anal, but I wasn’t ready for that. He seemed to think it was incredulous that I didn’t want to go all the way with him, which I found insulting since he assumed I was sluttier than I really am.


Missing Zimbabwe was starting to set in. I was hating being single and slutty again. I loved having a boyfriend. I loved commitment, trust, and not having to hunt for new dick or dates. I had a guy I truly loved and wanted to be with, but messed it all up. I wanted Zimbabwe back but was still blocked on all platforms.


Rebound #3 I wasn’t into at all. I thought he was cute in his pics, but in person, I was disappointed. He really wanted to kiss but had bad breath, so I avoided kissing him as much as possible. To avoid that I just let him eat my ass most of the time.


Rebound #4 was another guy that really wanted to do anal, but I didn’t. I liked his body, but I was turned off that he started filming me blowing him and stuff without asking my permission. I’m not camera shy, but it’s rude not to ask first.


All this rebounding was exhausting. All I wanted was Zimbabwe to forgive me. Our relationship wasn’t perfect, but true love is hard to find, especially in Atlanta. I realized there was one way I could contact Zimbabwe where he most likely wouldn’t have blocked me: Email. As one last ditch effort, I wrote a long, heartfelt, and emotional email to Zimbabwe to try to get my boyfriend back.

Branden Lee is a screenwriter, blogger, and actor. Follow Branden on Instagram/Twitter @Brandeness, and watch Branden on his YouTube channel SexxxPerTease.

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